Before you enrol:
- Ensure you have your Concession Card available if applying for a Concession rate.
- Send any required documentation if you are applying for RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) or email us on if you have questions.
- This enrolment form has mandatory fields which are marked with * and will remain once filled.
- After you have completed your enrolment application you will receive an automated email with your next steps in finalising your enrolment. This email will contain details on completing a Language, Literacy & Numeracy assessment & Pre-Training Review which are required to be completed as part of your enrolment application.
- Once all your enrolment documentation has been received, you will receive a confirmation phone call by our Enrolment Officer to confirm and finalise your enrolment into your selected course.
- Please read the Privacy Notice, Enrolment Declarations and USI Terms here:
- Save for later – You may always refer back to your incomplete booking link to continue with your enrolment application.