Victorian Kindergarten Expansion

Victorian Kindergarten Expansion
In 2022, the Victorian Government announced a $9 billion investment for the expansion of kindergarten programs across the state. Over the next decade, the Government has committed to opening up another 50 affordable childcare centres in areas that have an unmet demand. In this expansion, Free Kinder will also be available for all Victorian three and four year old children who are enrolled in the participating services.
These reforms and developments are designed to benefit parents, children, and educators alike. Recent studies and surveys have highlighted the importance of investing in high quality early childhood education and care. For example, it has been revealed that 90% of a child’s brain develops by the time they turn five, as well as children who attend a kindergarten program are less likely to be developmentally vulnerable at school. The Victorian Government recognises the significant benefits early learning has for children, and their brain development.
For educators:
With this rapid expansion rolling out from 2023 onwards, there are an expected 11,000 teaching and educating roles opening across the state. This significant increase in demand will also see the expansion of Government Funding programs for childcare-related Nationally Recognised Qualifications. Those with a passion for teaching and learning, as well as raising the next generation of thinkers are encouraged to apply for these certifications and roles.
The Victorian Government has also introduced a number of financial incentives for those willing to take up an educator role. Eligible educators can receive up to $26,000 for filling an early learning teacher position. These payments will be paid in instalments throughout three years. Eligibility criteria does apply.
Study early childhood education & care with MSA Training:
CHC30121- Certificate III in Early Childhood Education & Care – a 37 session program delivered via a mixed mode of online and face to face classes. Practical and theoretical learning & assessments included, along with valuable experience in the sector through placement. JobTrainer & Skills First Funding available. Find out more at
CCH50121- Diploma of Early Childhood Education & Care – a 46 session program delivered via a mixed mode of online and face to face classes. Practical and theoretical learning & assessments included, along with valuable experience in the sector through placement. JobTrainer & Skills First Funding available. Find out more at
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